In 2013, 21 students embarked on a life-changing design journey to Vienna, Austria. We spent five weeks exploring every piece of the city we could. Each day we had the pleasure of meeting someone different, and we would learn everything we could from them: architects, graphic designers, landscape designers, musicians, artists, user experience designers, builders—you name it. We visited museums, gardens, venues, cafés, bars, and restaurants. It was a dream. 
After our five weeks had expired, the students decided to collaborate on a book that captured everything. We spent weeks wrestling with the written word, and weeks more wrestling with each other about the design. In the end, we produced something that I am truly proud of—one of the best coffee-table books you could ever open, about some random peoples' time with their incredible professor in Vienna, Austria.

Date: April 2013
Graphic Design: Kevin Reardon, Chrissy Sibilia, Jacob Melton, Tanner Schrieber-May, Lyndsay Jacobs
Copy: John Kimbriel
Contributing Artists & Photographers include all members of Vienna Studio 2013

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