Perhaps my most interesting project with Polygraph Creative, l'appel du vide is an expression used by the French translated in English as, "the call of the void." It describes the feeling one might have if they are scared of heights, but still wonders what leaping to their fate might feel like.
To allude to this strong, complex blend of emotion while designing a wine label, we devised a printed representation of what, "the call of the void," is—a blind emboss. This way, we could designate the perfect amount of attention to the physical and mental manifestation of l'appel du vide.
Date: December 2013
Design: Kevin Reardon, Jason Mannix, Lindsay Mannix, Gavin Wade
Art Direction: Jason Mannix, Lindsay Mannix, Gavin Wade
Art Direction: Jason Mannix, Lindsay Mannix, Gavin Wade